Monday, March 14, 2011

Tonight's The Night!

That's right... It's The Bachelor Finale Night!  I can hardly contain myself.  I think this has been the BEST season yet!  I'm hoping and praying that Brad picks Emily... If he doesn't, he's crazy.  Chantal isn't bad, but she's WAY too emotional for any guy to handle.  Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if she announced to him that she was pregnant with another guys baby... she's definitely acting and looking like she's 5 months pregnant! 

I've often wondered why I'm so obsessed with The Bachelor.  It's not just me, of course... almost all of my friends as well as millions of women around the U.S. are addicted to the show.  Many say it's to fill the "drama" void in their lives... that can't be true. I think most girls watch because they want to believe in love... and they want to see girls act ridiculous to one another.  Whatever it is... If watching it is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

I'm also excited to find out who will be the next Bachelorette... I'm hoping they announce that tonight on After the Final Rose.  I think Michelle Money would be a hilarious bachelorette... but my money is on Chantal... or Emily, if she gets booted. 

Who do you think Brad will pick?  Who do you think will be the next Bachelorette?

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